Students preparing for a career in business and the professions have a valuable tool in this engaging overview of the skills needed to communicate successfully in every stage of professional life: securing a job, making a good first impression, and advancing into management and leadership positions. Writing in an informal, conversational style, the authors discuss the fundamentals of business communication in todays global workplace, providing practical advice, meaningful applications, and sample documents to illuminate the discussion. Young and Travis liken the career-building process to creating an image or brand that employers recognize as a good fit for their companies. They cover the outward packaging components like verbal ability and appearance, progressing to the critical follow-through skills that contribute to a consistent, professional image: interpersonal competency, excellent writing skills, technical proficiency, problem-solving ability, enthusiasm and flexibility, and a strong ethical foundation. Ethical Encounters boxes throughout challenge readers to make ethical choices, while objectives and key terms in each chapter frame and reinforce key concepts. Abundant exercises prompt readers to analyze their communication strengths and weaknesses and provide ample opportunities to apply the chapter content.
With an emphasis on building skills for business writing and professional presentations, this text empowers students to successfully handle important work-related activities, including job interviewing, working in team, strategically ...
Business and Professional Communication: Putting People First
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
REVELâ„¢ for Business and Professional Communication is organized around five fundamental principles of communication, providing a useful pedagogical framework for the reader.
Business and Professional Communication in the Information Age
Business and Professional Communicationprovides the reader with the strategies they need to effectively manage communication challenges in the workplace. Tailoring relevant communication concepts to the unique demands of the workplace...
Featuring coverage of the most up-to-date skill set available, the book considers the rapid changes in professional communication due to the global economy, advances in information technology, and an increasingly diverse workforce.
This fourth edition provides the knowledge and skills needed to empower students to handle important work-related activities, including job interviewing, working in teams, strategically utilizing visual aids and providing feedback to ...
Unique to the market, this text includes a dedicated chapter focused on perspective-taking covering the processes of person-perception; common perceptual errors; the self-serving bias and the fundamental attribution error; the self-concept; ...
The book addresses both written and verbal skill sets through a combination of forward thinking methodology and foundational techniques.