Controlling the Dangerous Classes: A History of Criminal Justice in America

Controlling the Dangerous Classes: A History of Criminal Justice in America
Randall G. Shelden, Pavel V. Vasiliev


Throughout history, the powerful have created laws, developed agencies to enforce those laws, and established institutions to punish lawbreakers. Maintaining the social order to their advantage resulted in the systematic repression of disadvantaged groups¿the ¿dangerous classes.¿ The third edition retains a historical approach to exploring patterns of social control and, through current examples, demonstrates how those strategies continue today.The authors trace the roots of race, class, and gender bias in how laws are written, interpreted, and applied. The management of dangerous classes is not a recent phenomenon; there is a long history of keeping those who derive the least advantage from the status quo (and therefore pose the greatest threat) under control. There was and is one system of justice for the privileged and a very different system for the less privileged. The criminal justice system¿from the law to daily operations of the police, courts, and corrections¿generally comes down hardest on those with the least amount of power and influence and is the most lenient with those with the most power and influence.The book raises critical questions. What is a crime? What is law? Whose interests are served by the law and the criminal justice system? What patterns are repeated generation after generation? How does the criminal justice system relate to larger issues such as social inequality, social class, race, and gender? Contemplation of these topics contributes to informed public dialogue and careful deliberation about the present state and the future of criminal justice.

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