Health education promotes lifestyles and environments that enhance health, wellness, and quality of life for individuals and communities. This goal serves as the cornerstone of The Process of Community Health Education and Promotion, Third Edition. The authors provide readers a comprehensive introduction to the information, perspectives, and competencies they will need to successfully promote health in community, school, workplace, and health care settings. Rooted in an interprofessional paradigm, the importance of collaborative partnerships is explored throughout the text. The latest edition sparks critical thinking, discussion, and action by including real-world examples and engaging questions. A strong emphasis on social determinants and their influence shapes the updated section on health equity, which ends with a discussion on essential elements for promoting this universal human right. Special features highlighted throughout this action-oriented book showcase the authors’ experiential learning approach. “For Your Information” boxes complement and expand on chapter content. “For Your Application” prompts provide a variety of self-directed or instructor-guided activities. Additionally, appendices include a community assessment project guide and a professional e-portfolio guide, to which many of the activities in the book build toward.
ESTABLISHING A STEERING COMMITTEE FOR AN ADOLESCENT PREGNANCY PREVENTION PROGRAM * A planning committee is key in the initial stages of defining ... [ Communities Responding to the Challenge of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention , v .
This text is intended as a core text for skills-based courses in community health and methods.
Special features highlighted throughout this action-oriented book showcase the authors' experiential learning approach. "For Your Information" boxes complement and expand on chapter content.
With the continuing development in health education and health promotion, the major emphasis on this new edition remains on the pragmatic discussion of the processes involved with planning these programs....
New topics in this edition include: Climate change, genetic testing and epidemiology; new methods for measuring the burden of disease; life course approaches to epidemiology, behavioural economics; and physical activity, health and ...
... p. 4) change in behavior but utilizes measures that compel an individual's behavior change. ... dates to the late 19th century, when the first academic programs emerged for training school health educators (Allegrante et al., 2004).
Two special articles at the end of the book provide further insight regarding community risk estimation and the use of metaphors to gain a better understanding of the perceived needs and capacities that are assessed.
AIDS, cancer and heart disease are prime examples. Health education and promotion is the key to avoiding these conditions. This volume explores a range of methods for planning and implementing health education.
Campus Wide Systems, 20(1), 17–24 Widen, E., Pellechia, K. M., & Schneider, J. K. (2007). Health Literacy Resource List for Educators. Beltsville, MD: Food and Nutrition Information Center Agricultural Research Service, USDA.
Like the First Edition, this book serves as a guide to the science and art of community health promotion.