... 131 Gunn, R. L., 131 Gunther, A., xv. Gunther, A. C., 86 Gurmen, M. S., 150 GvirSman, S. D., xiv, 11,397 Haase, A. M., 188 Hahl, O., 188 Halliwell, E., 532 Hamer, M., 530 Hamilton, L. C., 9 Hammond, S. I., 117 Han, Z. Author Index 671.
Although, some of the contents of the book is now obsolete or changed, it still contains worthy and important information for the needs of professional mediators. Consider this book a "collectors item."
More generally, this book will strike a chord with anyone interested in humanizing our social institutions and building on a relational vision of society.
Theory, Research, and Practice Stephen B. Goldberg, Jeanne M. Brett, Beatrice Blohorn-Brenneur, Nancy H. Rogers ... in mediation than in court or arbitration (Karambayya & Brett, 1989; Karambayya, Brett, & Lytle, 1992; Tyler, 1990).
Divorce Mediation Manual offers an important resource for anyone contemplating divorce. This manual is meant to positively assist and inform couples engaged in the process of divorce mediation, helping them navigate the process.
In this book filled with practical guidance and insight into negotiation, Gary Friedman details what each couple must bring to the mediator-motivation, responsibility, and a willingness to both agree and disagree.
Most mediators feel that helping people end conflicts is special work, and, they're sustained by rewards beyond money, praise, or fame. But with no obvious career path and no prescribed...
Reviews "I have used the first edition of The Art of Mediation in my classes for almost a decade and I definitely intend to use the Second Edition in the future. Students like the book because it is so practical and easy to read.
'Mediating Interpersonal Conflicts' is an up-to-date presentation showing how the techniques of negotiation and mediation can be applied in resolving a wide range of conflicts in families, communities, schools, and workplaces.
The third edition of Mediation Theory and Practice introduces students to mediation, the research and theory that underlie it and the foundational skills that a mediator must possess in any context.