Cross-Cultural Management Textbook is a practical course-book that synthesizes in a practical way contemporary cross-cultural communication and management knowledge for students and professionals. It is the team work from twelve well-respected world authorities who represent a variety of countries and cultures. Designed to prepare students from diverse backgrounds to comprehend the influence of culture in management and communication, it helps them develop the behaviors and skills necessary to rapidly adapt to a world where cultures mix as never before. Each contributor is a published author on topics constituting the field of cross-cultural management today. With the active support of several European universities, this comprehensive 12-chapter textbook includes up-to-date theories illustrated by real life examples, case studies and workshops, all regrouped as an easy-to-use manual. The contributions of the international practitioners and professors in this field provide expert knowledge. This extensive authoritative textbook is the missing link between various writings of renowned academics and specialists and the pragmatic approach of real world of practitioners who are confronted daily with intercultural situations. Thanks to content from numerous nations and cultures, the book encourages the reader to think outside of the box, and expand his or her considerations beyond their present boundaries. Cross-Cultural Management Textbook is primarily intended for students and instructors, in particular, instructors looking for an outline for their management courses. Professionals, consultants, managers, and trainers whose daily work involves international and cross-cultural challenges will benefit from this text as well. The textbook is available in various formats: Black and White Student edition, Color Deluxe edition, and Kindle edition.
This teacher's book includes examples of marked work to indicate response levels and thorough guidance to match the new specifications.
For professors who know students need effective communication skills to be successful in the business world, this text provides a strategic, yet practical view of managerial communication.
Effective Business Psychology: Instructor's Manual
Effective Business Psychology
應用心理學: 提升個人和企業(組織)工作績效
However , what if in the exchange between Mr. Larsen and Ms. Filo there was a misunderstanding , and the objective Mr. Larsen had in mind was not only to inform but also to persuade the executive committee and guests to accept Bill's ...
129–49 ; and E. Sieburg and C. Larson , " Dimensions of Interpersonal Response " ( Paper presented to the International Communication Association ... L.J. Peter and R. Hull , The Peter Principle ( New York : Bantam , 1969 ) , pp .
Aims to show managers how to sell internally, and the benefits of corporate internal marketing.
Fully updated and revised throughout, the third edition features: * Expanded treatment of theoretical foundations * Greater focus on how gender, culture, diversity, globalization, and power impact communication networks * Streamlined ...