The 82nd Airborne Division in Transformation: Is It Possible to Significantly Increase the Combat Power in the Division Ready Brigade...

The 82nd Airborne Division in Transformation: Is It Possible to Significantly Increase the Combat Power in the Division Ready Brigade...
Douglas J. Delancey, Maj Douglas J Delancey


This monograph focuses on how the 82nd Airborne Division fits into the United States Army's efforts to transform. The Army of 2000-2010 must deploy combat power more quickly into a crisis--before aggression starts or before an aggressor achieves initial objectives. With fewer forces stationed outside the United States, the ability to project combat power is more important to modern American security concerns than at any time in recent history. The slow build-up of combat power from secure ports and airfields prior to Operation Desert Storm and Just Cause are probably not suitable models for the next conflict. The National Command Authority must maintain a rapid response, forcible entry capability to set the conditions for follow-on forces. The Division Ready Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division will likely be that spear, but it must deploy more rapidly and with greater combat power. A Strategic Brigade Airdrop currently requires ninetysix C-17 sorties for just the Division Ready Brigade. This number of sorties can be reduced and the potential combat power of the unit increased—simultaneously. Additionally, it is possible to increase the amount of potential combat power airdropped in the Alpha Echelon and reduce the amount of equipment that must airland later. Replacing the bulky and heavy wheeled vehicles with a newer and proven design will keep the forcible entry capability poised to lead the Interim Brigade Combat Team into a crisis. One such group of vehicles is called the Flyer Family of Vehicles, and a C-17 can transport up to twenty-two Flyers compared to eight High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles. Structurally, this monograph examines the current Army Transformation efforts and the role of the Division Ready Brigade. Next is a description of the Strategic Brigade Airdrop mission of the Division Ready Brigade. The capabilities of the Flyer Family of Vehicles and how they compare to the current set of wheeled vehicles begins a comparison of potential combat power. This monograph concludes that the Flyer Family of Vehicles (or a similar type) can significantly increase the potential combat power in the Division Ready Brigade and reduce the amount of sorties required to deploy. School of Advanced Military Studies.

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