Employment Law 101, with over 400 information-packed pages, over 80 topic chapters, and more than 40 ready-to-use sample policies and forms, is the employer's handy reference. This book answers common employment questions such as:What documentation is required when hiring a new employee?When are employers allowed to run background and credit checks on new hires?Can an employer require drug testing after any work-related injury or accident?If "at-will" employees can be fired for no reason, why can they still sue for wrongful termination?Can California employees skip their rest periods or meal breaks?What is required to ensure that an Alternative Work Schedule is lawful?Can an employer prohibit male employees from wearing make-up or a dress?What are the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of vacation and sick leave vs. PTO?Do all employers have to allow employees time off for baby bonding?What documentation is required for departing employees?Employment Law 101 is a must-have reference for every employer, manager, and HR professional in California.