"Karen Putz grew up hard of hearing and become deaf as a teen. She spent a lot of time working with families with deaf and hard of hearing children, providing support and guidance. When her three children began losing their hearing one by one, Karen figured she had all the answers. Instead, she discovered it was a whole other ball game to navigate life as a parent on the twists and turns of the journey." - Back cover.
Describes the special aspects of raising twins and discusses pediatric care, breastfeeding, sibling adjustment, school, individuality, child development, discipline, and toilet training
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Here, gathered into one easy-to-read volume, are Charlotte Mason's timeless words to mothers of preschoolers, as well as modern examples, inspiring quotes, and practical tips.
本书将向年轻的夫妻们揭示如何处理日常育子问题.从孩子的睡眠, 喂养, 管教到择校上学等方方面面, 指导夫妻双方如何让各自的育子方式彼此互补.
Natural Child Rearing from Birth Through First Grade V. Thomas Mawhinney. object is edible and your child makes the ... The association between the letter C and a picture of a cat , for example , may cause almost immediate learning .
Having come this far in teaching your children decision making , you are probably ready to see how the Johnson family uses the steps . As you read our example , think of your family ; think about which of the issues raised affect you or ...
The Power of Positive Parenting
Levine , James . Who Will Raise the Children ? J. B. Lippin118 Suggested Reading McBride , Angela B. The Growth and Development. cott Co. , 1976 .
Houston Parents' Grapevine: A Guide to Local Resources for Expectant Parents and Parents of Young Children
But,gee whiz,who has the patience to wait for their childto tie his shoes every timethey go out? Most the time it's easier to do it yourself! And what aboutgetting it right – I mean, suremydaughter can fixherown hair, but look howshe ...