The Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon
The Richest Man In Babylon
Business & Economics
Createspace Independent Pub
George S. Clason


The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason provides financial advice through a collection of parables. George S Clason is best known for writing a series of informational pamphlets about being thrifty and how to achieve financial success. He started writing the pamphlets in 1926, using parables that were set in ancient Babylon. Banks and insurance companies began to distribute the parables and the most famous ones were compiled into the book The Richest Man in Babylon. It is this book which has etched the name of George S Clason into the history books and has provided generations of readers not just an inspirational classic for reading pleasure but sound practical principles of financial discipline. This is the most famous of his treasured works. The Richest Man in Babylon a chapter sketch The Man Who Desired Gold Bansir, a chariot builder, has a conversation with his friend Kobbi, a musical person. They bemoan the time and effort which they used to build up their skills and become one of the best chariot builders and one of the best musicians yet they are still poor. They determine to go ask their childhood friend Arkad for advice, since he has become one of the richest men in Babylon. The Richest Man in Babylon Bansir and Kobbi meet with Arkad, asking him why fate has favored him so much that Arkad (the richest man in babylon) has grown rich (to the point of becoming the richest man in Babylon) while they remained poor, even though they've worked harder than Arkad has. Arkad (the richest man in Babylon) replies that he was once a hard working scribe who made a deal with a very rich man, Algamish, for the secret to wealth in return for a much needed copy of a law immediately scribed into clay. The rich man agreed and the next day, when Arkad (the richest man in Babylon) delivered the carving, the richest man in Babylon delivered in return the secret of wealth. "I found the road to wealth," he said, "When I decided that a part of all I earned was mine to keep. And so will you." (emphasis in the original) Arkad (the richest man in Babylon) then relates that he asked the same question that is undoubtedly on Bansir and Kobbi's minds, "Isn't all that I make mine to keep?" Arkad (the richest man in Babylon) elates that he did as advised, saving a tenth of his income for a year, then investing that money with a brickmaker who went on a journey to buy jewels to trade. He related this to Algamish, who castigated Arkad(the richest man in Babylon) for this foolishness. "Every fool must learn," he said, Arkad then saved his money for another year, spending it on fine clothing and regularly scheduled feasts. Algamish comments that Arkad is "eating the children of his savings" by not investing them. Arkad saves again and then finally invests his money wisely for two years and when Algamish learns of how Arkad has taken his lessons to heart, he hires Arkad (the richest man in Babylon) as a manager of his estate in Nippur. By continuing to save and invest wisely, Arkad (the richest man in Babylon) relates that he became the wealthy man that he is now. The richest man in Babylon, synonymous with finance, self-help, business, financial planning, the law of attraction. With the help of this best selling book (bestseller books), you too can join ranks with the other rich men of this world. One of the best books available online or in stores. Aim to become the richest but if all else fails you will be one of the the wealthiest man in babylon. This book is perfect for using any tokens or gift certificate or promotional vouchers. Perfect even if you are not the richest person in the world. Not just for men, but equally women. Find out the answer to, what is babylon? Become the richest woman in babylon, understand better the man u dating and the people in the richest country. New Book on Amazon also check out: http: // http: //

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