Little House in the Big Woods is an autobiographical children's novel written by Laura Ingalls Wilder and published by Harper in 1932 (reviewed in June). It was Wilder's first book published and it inaugurated her Little House series. It is based on memories of her early childhood in the Big Woods near Pepin, Wisconsin, in the early 1870s.
The third book in Laura Ingalls Wilder's treasured Little House series—now available as an ebook!
Laura helps Ma and Pa make the little log cabin snug and cozy for the snowy days ahead. 1994 "Pick of the Lists" (ABA)
A year in the life of two girls on the Wisconsin frontier, as they help their mother with the chores, enjoy their father's stories and songs, and share special occasions with their relatives and neighbors.
Soon there was frost on the windows and snow on the ground, but Laura and her folks were warm and cozy in their snug little house in the Big Woods. Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books have been cherished by generations of readers.
The warm days of summer have arrived, and that means Laura gets to spend fun-filled days outdoors! The winter is finally over, and now it is summertime! Laura and Mary are busy all day helping Ma in the garden and playing outside.
The complete text and illustrations of three of Wilder's novels about American pioneer life. Three favorite Little House novels have been gathered into one deluxe collection featuring the original Helen Sewell artwork.
Laura is delighted when a soft, thick snow falls in late spring in the Big Woods of Wisconsin. A late snow helps the trees make more sap for maple syrup, and maple syrup means sweet sugar cakes and sticky fingers for Laura!
In the mornings the window panes were covered with frost in beautiful pictures of trees and flowers and fairies. Ma said that Jack Frost came in the night and made the pictures, while everyone was asleep. Laura thought that Jack Frost ...
“That's all foolishness, Ingalls,” Mr. Scott said. “The well was all right yesterday.” “You can't ever tell,” Pa replied. “Better be safe than sorry.” Laura did not know what danger Pa was looking for by that candle-light.
This biography, complete with charming illustrations, points out the differences between the fictional series as well as the many similarities.Yona Zeldis McDonough's Little Author in the Big Woods is a fascinating story of a much ...