THE SMART BABY SIGN LANGUAGE BOOK. How to teach your 6 month old baby sign language with 5 simple steps to take TODAY! Making baby sign language so easy. ALSO as a BONUS taken from The authors new book a full chapter Included inside on POTTY TRAINING, using baby sign language with elimination communication giving you incredible results. Here are (5) SMART EASY steps that any parent can take to teach their baby sign language. Includes all up to date research and information to start your baby communicating with you today!....You will also help prevent your babies frustrations, Relieve fussiness, Crying, Develop elimination communication, Boost their brain power and Further develop their amazing little minds. Get all the right information here NOW on how to teach your baby ASL (American Sign Language). Also learn one thing that YOU must NOT do! Giving your baby the best start for their amazing future development. Simply Illustrated quick, easy, and NEW techniques modified to make signing for YOU and your BABY easy and fun, a superb baby development book. SMART BABY SIGN LANGUAGE gives you a sneak insight into the mind of your amazing baby, Teaching you the basics signs then the most advanced signs to get your baby communicating with you effectively. It allows your baby to show you some of the things they are thinking and lets you share some of your thoughts with them. 4**** Review... I enjoyed this book. I have some previous knowledge of ASL and thought you did a great job of describing the signs and giving helpful info about the benefits. 4**** Review... "A well written, and laid out baby sign language book, so easy to follow... For Just $4.99 its a MUST BUY for YOUR baby's FIRST TWO years development!!" 5***** Review... " Excellent got my baby communicating really quickly.......there's some amazing signs to teach giving a fantastic start for my baby. I thank you Olivia for this baby sign language book...."
Learning American Sign Language: Levels I & II--Beginning & Intermediate, Second Edition, is a major revision of the First Edition, designed to help learners successfully interact with deaf American Sign Language (ASL) users.
The Night Before Christmas Told in Signed English uses both rhyme and signing to help children practice their vocabulary and learn English grammar.
This enjoyable book first introduces sign language and communication, follows with a history of sign languages in general, then delves into the structure of American Sign Language (ASL).
I Was So Mad
Provides answers to commonly asked questions about deaf people, their culture, and their language.
"The ASL at Work curriculum is a project of the American Sign Language and Interpreting Education Department, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY."--Title page verso.
Offers a program for parents to teach their infants and toddlers sign language, allowing babies the ability to express their wants and needs.
Illustrations of babies and toddlers demonstrate forty-eight signs from American Sign Language for both wild and domestic animals.
A basic ASL reference demonstrates a range of simple hand signs that can ease communications between parents and pre-verbal babies, in a visual guide that is presented in a stand-up format and utilizes songs, games, and easy instructions.