Sharpen critical thinking skills with these presidential brain-teasing activities. Parents, students, and teachers will love these fun challenges, puzzles, and logical thinking pages. They're a great way to practice higher-order thinking skills.
False 3. True 5. False 7. False 2. False 4. True 6. False 8. True H D K N S E L D D M E R L Y NOE X A S T CRO J FR H I NOITISOPPO E O O A V E D Y N N E T A R T E T N A M W A R I C A I D I C A R E E M I L C TH ...
False 3. False 7. False 11. False 4. True 8. True He lived in Warm Springs. Page 43 1. False 5. True 2. True 6. True 3. False 7. False 4. False Jeb is governor of Florida. Pages 44 and 45 Across Down 2. James Hoban 1. West Wing 3.
In each of the puzzles below, each letter of the alphabet stands for another letter. You must break the code to answer each of the riddles. All of the answers will be the names of first ladies. Part of the code is given below to help ...
Read the following facts about our presidents. In each sentence is a number. In the word search below, find the word form of each number mentioned. 1. The U.S. has had forty-three presidents. 2. Forty-two men have served as president.
Help children of all learning styles and strengths improve their critical thinking skills with these creative, cross-curricular activities.
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Presidents' Day Activities
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A Concise Guide to Reading, Evaluating, and Writing Philosophical Works M. Andrew Holowchak. Holowchak, M. Andrew. (2001). “Individual Happiness and Social Responsibility.” Fundamentals of Philosophy, Fifth Edition.
"Educational reform is among our most pressing needs, and it is not enough to demand competence in simple basic skills. A deeper, broader definition of literacy--one the includes the capacity...