Movies can be great teaching tools for everything from behavior theories and concepts to ethical dilemmas. For instance, when John (Jack Lemmon) and Max (Walter Matthau) must decide in Grumpier Old Men whether to go to Maxs wedding or once again try to catch the most elusive fish in the lake, Catfish Hunter, they arent sure what to do. In Take Five: Organizational Behavior Alive, cinema instructor and expert Joseph E. Champoux presents carefully selected film scenes that showcase organizational behavior concepts and issues that can be used at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels. Classics like The Godfather, contemporary films like Morning Glory, and even animated films that rely on computer graphics technology all offer valuable insights into understanding organizational behavior. There are even overlooked gems such as James and the Giant Peach, which includes an underappreciated scene showcasing work force diversity. Each scene thats presented includes questions to ask yourself as well as space to write down your own observations. Theres also a list of concepts and examples that you can check off as you see them in a scene.
Take Five: The Public and Private Lives of Paul Desmond is the story of a jazz artist who transcended genres to establish one of the most immediately recognizable sounds in...
Con-man, filmmaker (currently working on producing Jesus 2001, what he calls the religious equivalent of The Godfather), descendent of a wealthy and prestigious New York family whose wealth and prestige are in sharp decline, racist and anti ...
' Sunday Independent 'A genuinely useful book for anxious children.' Irish Independent Praise for The Magic Moment: 'The sort of book that could be genuinely helpful to an anxious child.
LESTER takes the second cup from Gladys ' hand as she is talking to SHARON . ) It's a new recipe . GLADYS . Thank you , but I can't . I'm on a diet . They do look tempting , though . SHARON . Diet ? Why should you be on a diet ?
This book does not teach children about their engine levels, but it is organized around the five ways to change how alert we feel. We are excited to announce our newest book, Take Five! Staying Alert at Home and School.
(Faber Piano Adventures ). The Popular Repertoire Book combines popular hits with imaginative "Activity Pages" that explore rhythm, note reading, and theory fundamentals.
Mel dedicates this book to you. Chapters Include: You Deserve a High 5 Life Science Says This Works I Have a Few Questions... Why Do I Torture Myself? Am I Broken? Where's All This Negative Crap Coming From?
Students rewrite history when they edit error-laden history facts for grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors.
In The Essential Jazz Records: Modernism to Postmodernism,* the British writer Eric Thacker damned the octet with faint praise. The group was indeed deserving of wider recognition, he wrote, but only because of “their strange—perhaps ...
Take Five and Pass First Time