The #MeToo movement has revealed an insidious epidemic that plagues society. Sexual assault is easy to deny that it happened at all—both for the victim and the perpetrator. Often there is no evidence. It can take years for some victims to find their voice around sexual assault, if at all. Meanwhile the perpetrators’ misuse of sexual power can deny their culpability forever. Dr. Lucy Papillon relies on her own #MeToo experiences as well as case studies from eighteen years of clinical practice to explore rape culture and its effects on women, examine the ways in which trauma and mistreatment can change a woman’s entire life, and demonstrate the necessity of facing darkness to reach the light of equality. Dr. Papillon blends personal narratives with practical tools to invoke awareness in both genders of how systemic and pervasive the problem has become while gently suggesting helpful methods to break through barriers to effect positive change and inspire those suffering from abuse to reclaim their power. How Dare You! shares compelling stories and useful tools to paint a poignant portrait of present-day culture and empower women and those suffering from abuse to participate in their own journey toward awareness and recovery.
... and Keith Rogers, Geto Boys, used by permission of Rap-A-Lot Records, Inc. Cover design by Andrea Worthington ISBN: 978-1-5040-1953-8 This edition published in 2015 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc. 345 Hudson Street New York, ...
This nonfiction book's intention is to: ́ express empathy to women currently in abusive relationships ́ provide insight into the cycle of abuse and its many forms ́ provide suggestions for women considering separating from their abusive ...
A gritty, hard-hitting guide to turning an extra-nasty man into anto ex-boyfriend or ex-husband uses examples from the author's counseling sessions to illustrate the patterns an abusive male and shows women how to spot the danger signs.
While this is not a topic, in my opinion, that has been very popular from the perspective of the abused person; I believe this is mainly because the experiences are very embarrassing, challenging to go through and talk about after they are ...
This book--destined to be a controversial classic--draws on recent biological, psychological, and anthropological research, as well as hundreds of original interviews, to redress the complicated silence that has prevailed about woman's ...
Stunned by the vast, gut-wrenching responses, he vowed to write this broader account of their stories, in order to give hope, courage and resources to women in need.90% of the net profits from this book will be donated to organizations ...
A study of wife beating in the United States, with reference to and victims' comments on the physical, psychological, and social effects of a complex problem
This is the story of a seemingly innocent little boy who grows into a ferocious, conscienceless, ugly monster that destroys and devours everything good and pure that crosses his path.
... Persisted' and the Age of the Weaponized Meme,” Atlantic, February 8, 2017, Megan Garber, entertainment/archive/2017/02/nevertheless-she-persisted-and-the-age-ofthe-weaponized-meme/516012/. Sady Doyle ...
Daddy and #MeToo is a collection of seven short stories. Each chapter represents the story of a father who is a witness to his daughter's #MeToo moment, while having been on the other side of the equation himself in his earlier life.