Airport Security by Dr. Stacey L. Tyler Airport Security: Passenger Screening and Governance Post 9/11 provides knowledge of governance, terrorism, security, and democratic principles in the passenger screening processes by the Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration, and air carriers. This book identifies the inadequate security measure designs, resulting from legislation, implemented by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These security measures impose risk to our passengers daily as their principle provider of airport screening services. The author has over 20 years of professional experience in the airline industry. She started as a Ticketing Agent and progressed to General Manager for various airlines and vendor services. The truth is, despite current best practices and policies, dangerous items, and contraband continue to find its way past the screening areas of many airports and into secure areas. As a New Jersey Women Owned Small Business and Women-Owned Minority Business entrepreneur, The Interactive Intelligence Corporation is dedicated to assisting policy makers, administrators, and airport and airline management with examining and preventing the exploitation of weaknesses in the current system, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness in identifying and responding to emerging threats, and producing greater public satisfaction.
The answers, Malvini Redden admitted, were far more complex than she anticipated. 101 Pat-Downs is the story of Malvini Redden's research journey, part confessional, part investigative research, and part light-hearted social commentary.
Aviation security further steps needed to strengthen the security of commercial airport perimeters and access controls: report to congressional requesters.
For example, former United Airlines flight attendant Deborah Jackson reached an undisclosed settlement with the airline after she accused her former employer of firing her after she could not work due to posttraumatic stress disorder ...
Aviation security challenges exist in stabilizing and enhancing passenger and baggage screening operations
Airport and Aviation Security: U.S. Policy and Strategy in the Age of Global Terrorism is a co
Ferran, Lee. “Stink Bomb: Underwear Bomber Wore Explosive Undies for Weeks, FBI Says.” ABC News, September 28, 2012. Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage, 1995. ———. “The Eye of Power.
; This title explores various aspects of airport security in the United States, addressing whether airports are safe, whether screening policies are effective, whether profiling passengers is effective and appropriate, and the impact on ...
Aviation security efforts to measure effectiveness and address challenges
The Definitive Handbook on Terrorist Threats to Commercial Airline and Airport SecurityConsidered the definitive handbook on the terrorist threat to commercial airline and airport security, USAF Lieutenant Colonel Kathleen Sweet‘s seminal ...
COMMENTS: Often uses names such as Muslims Against Global Oppression (MAGO) and Muslims Against Illegitimate Leaders (MAIL) when launching anti-Western campaigns. NOT a Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), but listed as ...