Coronary Heart Disease: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2013 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ book that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Diagnosis and Screening. The editors have built Coronary Heart Disease: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2013 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Diagnosis and Screening in this book to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Coronary Heart Disease: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2013 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at
The broad coverage of this book includes chapters on all aspects of modern coronary heart disease practice, including cardiac investigations, angina, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmia, lipids, hypertension and diabetes.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a screening tool called the Listing of Impairments to identify claimants who are so severely impaired that they cannot work at all and thus immediately qualify for benefits.
A guide to coronary heart disease that discusses symptoms, diagnosis, heart attacks, stents, and the risks and benefits to the possible treatment options--which includes medications and balloon surgery.
With contributions from a diverse group of internationally-known physicians with broad experience in the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease, this book will be a valuable resource for practitioners in clinical cardiology, ...
The dual aim of this book is to review the well-established risk factors in CHD and to look forward to disease prevention, equipped with lessons from the past.
The ABC's of Coronary Heart Disease provides you with uncomplicated, thorough information and guidance, making it the ideal book toward broadening your knowledge.
The History of Coronary Heart Disease
Jerome E. Granato, a distinguished cardiologist with more than twenty-five years of experience, has created an authoritative and accessible guide to this common condition, providing patients and their families with insight and advice.
Coronary Heart Disease
The book is dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of every aspect of coronary arterial medicine from cardiac signs and symptoms through imaging and the genetic basis for coronary disease to surgery, interventions, treatment and also ...