Born from studies and the experiences of its author, Retail Marketing Management provides guidelines, concepts, and practices of marketing, with a special focus on retail management. The guidelines aim to encourage and facilitate the development of marketing strategies that enable organizations to achieve greater competitive power and build brands that are respected and valued in the market, while the concepts are intended to give the theoretical background to the practices commented on and suggested here. As the language is accessible and direct, the work has the advantage of proposing immediate solutions for business, especially for market professionals who are eager for results and have no time for heavy academic reading. Moreover, the teachings contained herein are also useful to students and teachers who wish to enhance their knowledge about marketing. Application This book is recommended for professionals and academics from different areas and can be used for reading in business environments, and as part of the literature of technology courses for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in business administration and marketing.
Retail Marketing Management
The book is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses in retail marketing as well as those studying for marketing and business degrees where retail marketing is a core module -Pearson-
Block, M., Pigneur, Y. and Segev, A. (1996) On the Road of Electronic Commerce – A Business Value Framework, Gaining Competitive ... Financial Times, Pearson Education Limited Gilbert, D. (2003) Retail Marketing Management, 2nd edition.
The second edition of Retail Marketing and Branding includes the following updates: * New and updated case examples * Updated figures and examples throughout * New interviewers with recent experiences * Additional chapters Did you know that ...
This book is an introduction to a concept of retail marketing which differs from the traditional manufacturers' view.
Retail Marketing Management
Delves deep into modern marketing concepts and strategies behind successful retail brand building!
Retail Marketing Strategy makes the information available to drive new ways of thinking and make retail practice more agile for everyone.
Retail Marketing Management
This book is devoted to the dynamic development of retailing.