Jack Hranicky is a retired U.S. Government contractor, but he has been involved with archaeology as a full-time passion for over 40 years.
Wm Jack Hranicky. PALEOAMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN VIRGINIA Wm Jack Hranicky RPA PaleoAmerican Archaeology in Virginia Copyright © 2017 Wm Jack Hranicky. Front Cover.
Written in question-and-answer format, the book equips readers with a nuanced understanding of the legal, practical, and moral choices that face us all when confronting antiquities in a museum gallery, shop window, or for sale on the ...
Yiron Level 3 (Gravel) Borj Quinnaret Latamne, Latamne Formation Nahr el—Kebir, QMIII Formation Sitt Marko, ... Maayan Barukh Mashari'a 1 (Tabaqat Fahl) Nadaouiyeh Levels B—F Revadim Tabun Cave Level Ec—F/Units XII—XIII Umm Qatafa Cave ...
Nicholson, Paul T., and Ian Shaw, eds. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Nickel, Ernest H., and Monte C. Nichols. Mineral Reference Manual. New York: Springer Science + Business Media ...
It concludes that a Solutrean occupation did occur on the U.S. Atlantic coastal plain. The bipoint is the most misclassified artifact in American archaeology. The book is indexed and has extensive references.
Techniques, Examples, and Methods Wm Jack Hranicky. Recording Clovis Points Techniques, Examples, and Methodologies Based on: the McCary Fluted Point Survey of Virginia by Wm Jack Hranicky rpa CENTIMETERS ']"{ 1— H-2- INCHES | j— —. 1 .
Wm Jack Hranicky RPA. 1013 - Monrovia Points Monrovia [Notched] Point - named by Wm Jack Hranicky in 1991 after a city in Maryland. It is a side notched point with pointed stem corners. Base is concaved and is not ground.
Lithic Technology in the Middle Potomac River Walley of Maryland and Virginia by Wm. Jack Hranicky, RPA Director Virginia Rockart Survey McCary Fluted Point Survey Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Library of Congress ...
(2017) Brandt (1982) Brandt (1982) Brandt (1982) Brandt (1982) Ménard (2015) (continued) table 5.2 (continued) Age-stage and Country Sample Date Ka BP The Eastern African Prehistoric Stoneworking Survey 113 4 4 8 8 10 11.