Afghan National Security Forces: Afghan Corruption and the Development of an Effective Fighting Force

Afghan National Security Forces
Political Science
House of Representatives of the United States Staff


Mr. WITTMAN. Ladies and gentleman, thank you all so much. We will call to order the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations for a hearing on Afghan National Security Forces, specifically looking at Afghan corruption and the development of an effective fighting force. I want to welcome folks today as our subcommittee convenes the fifth and final hearing in our series related to the Afghan National Security Forces. This afternoon we have before us a panel of experts to provide testimony about how corruption in Afghanistan might impede the development of that nation's security forces. Corruption could prevent army and police units from successfully assuming the responsibility for securing Afghanistan from internal and external threats after 2014. Corruption also potentially reduces the operational effectiveness of security forces and jeopardizes their legitimacy with their population. In order for the United States to achieve its strategic goal of denying terrorists safe haven in Afghanistan, it is essential that Afghan forces be capable of maintaining security and stability after transition is complete in 2014. Our purpose today is not to undertake a comprehensive assessment of corruption in the region, but instead to narrowly focus on how corruption affects the development of an effective Afghan army and police. Our panel today includes retired Lieutenant General James M. Dubik, Senior Fellow at the Institute for the Study of War; Dr. Vanda Felbab-Brown, a Foreign Policy Study Fellow at the Brookings Institution; and Dr. Kenneth Katzman, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs at the Congressional Research Service. Thank you for your participation today. We appreciate you taking your time and we look forward to your testimony.

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