Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a rapidly developing field in basic applied science and clinical practice. Research efforts in this area have already been recognized with five Nobel prizes awarded to seven Nobel laureates in the past 70 years. Based on courses taught at The Johns Hopkins University, Magnetic Resonance Imaging: The Basics provides a solid introduction to this powerful technology. The book begins with a general description of the phenomenon of magnetic resonance and a brief summary of Fourier transformations in two dimensions. It examines the fundamental principles of physics for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal formation and image construction and provides a detailed explanation of the mathematical formulation of MRI. Numerous image quantitative indices are discussed, including (among others) signal, noise, signal-to-noise, contrast, and resolution. The second part of the book examines the hardware and electronics of an MRI scanner and the typical measurements and simulations of magnetic fields. It introduces NMR spectroscopy and spectral acquisition and imaging techniques employing various pulse sequences. The final section explores the advanced imaging technique of parallel imaging. Structured so that each chapter builds on the knowledge gained in the previous one, the book is enriched by numerous worked examples and problem sets with selected solutions, giving readers a firm grasp of the foundations of MRI technology.
Blackwell ML, Rosen BR, Farrar CT, Augustinack JC, van der Kouwe AJW, Salat DH, Wald LL, Fischl B. 2005. Optimization of extrinsic proton staining methods for ex vivo cytological magnetic resonance imaging. Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med.
This book is intended as a text/reference for students, researchers, and professors interested in physical and biomedical applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
The book contains many images, especially showing specific properties of the different scan methods. The methods discussed include RARE, GRACE, EPI, and Spiral Scan. This second edition has been expanded in response to recent developments.
Dette er en grundlæggende lærebog om konventionel MRI samt billedteknik.
Here's the perfect review tool for radiologic technologists taking the ARRT's Advanced Qualifications Examination in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In this book, MRI will be explained with emphasis on the magnetic fields required, their generation, their concomitant electric fields, the various interactions of all these fields with the subject being imaged, and the implications of ...
This clinical resource of cardiac MR imaging is a straightforward how-to text for technologists, physicians and physicists.
The purpose of this book is to cover engineering and clinical benefits in diagnosing human pathologies using MRI.
This book presents a comprehensive treatment of electromagnetic analysis and design of three critical devices for an MRI system - the magnet, gradient coils, and radiofrequency (RF) coils.
From this point up to the fail point was defined as the amount of extensibility E , analogous to the ductile region for a metal . Whittaker then defined a plasticity index as ( yield value ) * ( extensibility ) or P = YX E. It was ...