The "peace" in peaceful parenting comes from the commitment to regulate one's own emotions and actions. Peaceful parenting ties directly into the core of How to Discipline Without Damage. In this book you will learn: -The Difference Between Discipline and Punishment -The Mistakes You May Be Making in Modeling Behavior -The Difference Between Outward and Inward Responsibility -How to Help Children Be Problem Solvers -The Secret to Raising a Resilient Child -How to Create Consistent Boundaries & Rules -How to Use Encouragement Instead of Criticism -The Power of "Yes" and Discouragement of "No" -How to Eliminate "Who's at Fault" -Understanding and Setting Realistic Expectations -How to Model Forgiveness -How to Help Children Be Problem Solvers -How to Repair or Rebuild a Broken Boundary or Relationship With Bonus Material: -Encouraging Words and Phrases to Empower You and Your Child -How to Set Up a Family Council As a mother of six and a grandmother of eleven children, author Judy Helm Wright knows family dynamics. You can manage a problem or prevent it from occurring altogether. Would you rather empty a bucket from underneath a dripping faucet or fix the leak? Choosing modes of correction is the prior, whereas disciplining is the latter. Screaming and spanking are not teachers, but rather modes of correction (ineffective ones, at that). They don't teach children to stop a behavior, just to get better at hiding it. Disciplining through peaceful methods models dignity, respect, and kindness. These values will, in turn, be instilled in and modeled by your children. The key aspect of discipline is to teach, not punish. Through natural and logical consequences rather than punishment, your child will learn desirable behavior.
Drawing on scientific research and a wealth of clinical experience, she shows you how to put out the fire without dampening your child’s spirits; how to correct their behavior while emphasizing connection; and how to discipline without ...
In this book, her follow-up to the bestseller Discipline Without Damage, Dr. Lapointe advises new parents how to put their child on a path to optimal development during the crucial early years.
Discipline that you and your child will feel good about!
In this book, readers will learn to: • Respond thoughtfully to outbursts and tantrums. • Set age-appropriate limits and boundaries. • Prepare children to meet life’s challenges. • Ensure kids become strong boundary-setters. • ...
Then there was Light is a collection of poems and inspirational messages that Arabella wrote over a three year period.
Janet Lansbury is unique among parenting experts.
The think-space approach to child management is based on little-understood principles of human behavior that, when applied correctly, prove remarkably effective.
Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, child psychologist and mother of two, has a unique understanding of both the science behind tantrums and what works in the heat of the moment to nip blowups in the bud.
An (Levine), 134 value (child's need), 122 values, developing. xxi, 89 See also Coaching. Not Controlling waiting before disciplining, 15, 26 Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain (Gerhardt), 41 Winnicott, D.W., ...
The author of Punished by Rewards and The School Our Children Deserve builds on his parenting theories of working with children rather than trying to control them, argues against practices that teach children that they must earn a parent's ...