Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology, Fourth Edition provides definitions of terms, abbreviations, and trade names related to nutrition and food technology. The coverage of the book includes words from various scientific disciplines, such as chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, and engineering. The text will be of great use to specialists from different fields who seek to understand the technical terms used in the food fields.
... See COLLARD. coley See SAITHE. colic Waves of abdominal pain due to impaired or disordered *peristalsis. coliform bacteria A group of aerobic, lactose-fermenting bacteria, of which Escherichia coli is the most important member.
The book also includes nutrient composition data for 340 foods and an appendix with nutrient intake and other useful data. An essential reference for all involved in food science Updated eighth edition of this classic book
“When comparing this dictionary, there is very little competition at all… a very useful resource in the industrial, profession-al and supporting research areas, as well as for non-food scientists who have supervisory and management ...
A reference book for nutrition, dietetics, food sciences, and food technology. The seventh edition provides definitions for over 5000 terms in nutrition and food technology.
Originally Viennese, not Danish; indeed known in Danish as Wienerbrod. pastry, phyllo (filo pastry) Plain paper-thin pastry made from flour and water only, rolled into small balls then tossed in the air and stretched until it forms an ...
The International Food Information Service (IFIS) is a not-for-profit organisation providing international products and services, commissioning research and providing education in information science for the international food science, food ...
Covering nutrition, dietary requirements, chemistry, preparation and cooking, hygiene, health and safety, commercial food production, labelling, packaging and public health, this dictionary provides clear, informative and up-to-date terms ...
The Atkins diet (also called 'Dr Atkins Super Energy Diet') is a highprotein, highfat, lowcarbohydrate, weightreduction diet devised by an American doctor, Robert C. Atkins. The diet appears to contravene most of the generally accepted ...
... 219–20 Encyclopedia of Corrosion Technology 399 Encyclopedia of Energy Technology and the Environment 299 Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation 299 Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology 299 Encyclopedia ...
De Groot and Slump (1969) [769] treated soybean protein with alkali at pH 12 for 8 h at 60°C while Woodward and Short (1973) [840] held the temperature at 40°C for 4 h at the same pH. Cystine was generally the most sensitive amino acid.