Managing Tourism presents research studies that analyze the trends and information on the wide spectrum of tourism activities and industries. The book is comprised of 30 chapters that are organized into 10 parts. Part One discusses the future, impacts, and significance of tourism and Part Two deals with business growth and development. The text also tackles governments, markets, and industries, and then discusses product concepts. The air transport competition is also explained in the book. Subsequent parts cover tourist management and technologies. The last two parts tackle the Third World issues and the limits and threats to tourism. The book will be of great interest to readers concerned with the various aspects of tourism.
Written by an author with many years of industry practice, university teaching and professional training experience, this book is the essential guide to the subject for tourism, hospitality and events students and industry practitioners ...
This title offers a wide-ranging selection of the most significant previously published papers on the management of tourism destinations. The volume covers four major themes: managing tourism destinations and the...
This bestselling book is now in its third edition and has been fully revised and updated to include complete set of brand new case studies, a new four colour page design to enhance learning and improved online companion resources packed ...
This book is a vital resource for entrepreneurs, policy makers, managers, economists, business professionals, academicians, and researchers seeking coverage on the management and sustainable tourism.
(2007a) Introduction to Tourism in Australia: Development, Issues and Change, 5th edn, Melbourne: Pearson Education Australia. ––––– (2007b) 'Tourism and regional competitiveness', in J. Tribe and D. Airey (eds) Advances in Tourism ...
The aim of this book is to enhance theoretical and practical understanding of quality management in tourism and hospitality.
This book focuses on the experiences of tourists visiting nature-based destinations, exploring current knowledge and providing insights into conceptual issues through the use of empirical evidence from five continents.
Crisis management in the food and drinks industry. London: Chapman and Hall. Drabek, T.E. (1995). Disaster responses within the tourism industry. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 13(1), 7–23.
Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations is a comprehensive and integrated textbook which uniquely considers both destination marketing and management in one volume.
... Amber Waves (September), September05/Features/RuralAreasBenefit.htm (accessed 28 February 2008). Brown, L. (1981) Building a Sustainable Society, New York: W.W. Norton. Bryman, A., Bytheway, B., ...