Social Work Research and the Analysis of Social Data is a research book that describes both methodology and data analysis in logical sequence as a basis in order to begin the application of scientific method to psycho-social problems. Organized into 13 chapters, this book begins by elucidating the interrelationship of true professionalism and the need to conduct research in the field of social work. Subsequent chapters explore the advantages of counting and measuring in social work research; the research process; sources of information in applied social studies; data analysis and probability theory; and descriptive statistics. The relationship between variables; the continuing process of research; and the research report in this field of interest are also explained. This book will be very useful to social workers, as well as to those in teaching, counseling, and other helping professions.
This book also includes sample syntax from Stata for social work researchers to conduct cross-cultural analysis with their own research.
This book covers - conceptualization, ethics, cultural competence, design, qualitative research, individual and program evaluation as well as nonparametric and parametric statistical tests.
Social Work Research Methods is a step-by-step journey through the process of conducting research.
This text is currently in the pilot stage Fall 2019 with an anticipated publication date of January 2020. We recommend that you use the Chrome web browser at this time.
This text teaches students how to collect appropriate data and analyze data that is suitable for each type of research design.
Multicultural Social Work Research Methods & Data Analysis
Teitler, J. O., Reichman, N. E., Nepomnyaschy, L., & Martinson, M. (2007). A cross-national comparison of racial and ethnic ... Thompson, R., Dubowitz, H., English, D. J., Nooner, K. B., Wike, T., Bangdiwala, S. I., et al. (2006).
This text contains meta analysis, designs to evaluate treatment and provides the support to help students harness the power of the Internet. This handbook brings together leading scholars in research methods in social work." --Book Jacket.
The text teaches students how to collect appropriate data and analyze data that is suitable for each type of research design.
This text contains meta analysis, designs to evaluate treatment and provides the support to help students harness the power of the Internet. This handbook brings together leading scholars in research methods in social work.