Soviet Military Strategy in Europe focuses on the development, form and content, implications for international relations, and goal of Soviet military plan in Europe. The book first discusses the foundation of Soviet military thought and revolution in Soviet military affairs, including basic concepts of the Marxist-Leninist ideology, Soviet study of military affairs, nuclear revolution, and scientific and technical revolution. The publication also concentrates on Soviet study of laws and principles of military art and forces and primary operational concepts. Topics include laws of the first order, naval and air operations, nuclear strike, and conventional war considerations. The manuscript ponders on command and control, as well as combat modeling, survivability, coordination, centralization, and attack of NATO command and control. The book also reviews the issues of Soviet military strategy toward Europe and special Soviet problems. Topics include role of nuclear weapons, chemical warfare options, escalation to intercontinental war, NATO nuclear threat, nuclear weapon stockpile, and superiority and war initiation. The publication is a dependable reference for readers interested in the Soviet military scheme in Europe.
Enkeltafsnit: Détente, Moscow's View - Dedision making in the USSR - Soviet Policy and the Domestic Politics of Western Europe - Soviet-East European Relations - Soviet Military Capabilities and Intentions...
Armed revolution and civil war gave birth to the Soviet Union, world War II propelled it to global pre-eminence, and the Cold War contributed to the Soviet Union's demise.
Double Zero and Soviet Military Strategy: Implications for Western Security
Six chapters cover events from the wartime conferences of 1943 until the death of Stalin. A final chapter places the book in the context of the current debate over the causes of the Cold War.
Military planners, theoreticians, and practitioners present 17 essays insisting on the continuing importance of the Central Region of Germany in NATO's defense policy, though it is no longer a border....
From the Atlantic to the Urals: The Reorientation of Soviet Military Strategy, 1981-1990
The transition from the end of the Cold War to a new world order is both promising and perilous.
Western Europe In Soviet Global Strategy
Conflict Termination And Military Strategy: Coercion, Persuasion, And War
En undersøgelse af hvorledes U.S:A:'s overordnede militære strategi af ressourcemæssige grunde må tilpasses som følge af øgede forpligtelser samt Sovjetunionens verdensomspændende aktiviteter og jævnbyrdighed på det nukleare område.