A Modern View of the Law of Torts: The Commonwealth and International Library: Pergamon Modern Legal Outlines Division

A Modern View of the Law of Torts: The Commonwealth and International Library: Pergamon Modern Legal Outlines Division
J. S. Colyer


A Modern View of the Law of Torts provides the important aspects of the law of torts, which is an area of law that covers the majority of all civil lawsuits. This book begins with a description of the civil rights of an individual who is wronged by another person, followed by a particular attention to the remedies that are available to people who are wronged by any of the standard torts. Chapters of this book are devoted to specific torts, such as negligence, defamation, and trespass. Specifically, the law of negligence has been fully dealt with, as more and more of the problems of the law of torts are being solved by the courts with reference to the developing principles of the law of negligence. This publication provides an interesting approach to the study of torts, which is equally useful to students and the lay person.

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