Multimethod Assessment of Chronic Pain: Psychology Practitioner Guidebooks

Multimethod Assessment of Chronic Pain: Psychology Practitioner Guidebooks
Health & Fitness
Mark P. Jensen, Paul Karoly


Multimethod Assessment of Chronic Pain is a guidebook diagnosing chronic pain. The title presents the framework and methods for pain assessment, which serves as the basis for the systematic treatment of chronic pain. The text first covers the multiple contexts of chronic pain, and then proceeds to tackling the biomedical context. Next, the selection talks about the subjective pain experience, along with the measures of psychological status. Chapter 5 discusses the biophysical measurement, while Chapter 6 covers the behavioral observation methods. The text also details clinical pain interview and the selection and integration of pain measures. The book will be of great use to students of therapeutics related degrees. The text will also serve health professionals as a reference.

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