Newnes Microprocessor Pocket Book

Newnes Microprocessor Pocket Book
Steve Money


Newnes Microprocessor Pocket Book explains the basic hardware operation of a microprocessor and describes the actions of the various types of instruction that can be executed. A summary of the characteristics of many of the popular microprocessors is presented. Apart from the popular 8- and 16-bit microprocessors, some details are also given of the popular single chip microcomputers and of the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) type processors such as the Transputer, Novix FORTH processor, and Acorn ARM processor. Comprised of 15 chapters, this book discusses the principles involved in both parallel and serial input-output interfaces and gives details of the common standards used for parallel and serial input-output systems. Although discrete logic can be used for input-output interfaces, most microprocessor-based systems use specially developed integrated circuits for this purpose. Examples of these special interface chips are described with details of their internal arrangement and the basic techniques for programming their modes of operation. This covers parallel and serial input-output chips, counters and timers as well as one or two of the multifunction peripheral chips that are available. Data formats, instruction sets, display systems, and system development are also considered. This monograph will be of interest to students and to anyone involved in designing, servicing, or just wishing to learn more about microprocessor-based systems.

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