Circadian Rhythms and the Human covers the basic principles behind the human circadian rhythms. This book is composed of 12 chapters that discuss the detection, analysis, and definition of rhythms, specifically exogenous and endogenous rhythms. This book also demonstrates the mechanism of metabolic and gastrointestinal rhythms. The opening chapters deal with the rhythms in living organism; establishing the endogeneity of rhythms; definition of nychthemeral rhythm; methods of measuring the frequency of rhythms; exogenous effects upon the temperature rhythm; interaction between exogenous and endogenous influences; and possible origins of renal rhythmicity. The succeeding chapters consider the effect of exercise at different times of day and the concept of sleep-wakefulness rhythm. The discussion then shifts to the effects of repeated time-zone transitions and the effects of time on drug administration. The closing chapters are devoted to the assessment of work performance during shift work. The book can provide useful information to doctors, students, researchers, and the general reader.
... THEORY John Polkinghorne RACISM Ali Rattansi RADIOACTIVITY Claudio Tuniz RASTAFARI Ennis B. Edmonds THE REAGAN REVOLUTION Gil Troy REALITY Jan Westerhoff THE REFORMATION Peter Marshall RELATIVITY Russell Stannard RELIGION IN AMERICA ...
With the invitation to edit this volume, I wanted to take the opportunity to assemble reviews on different aspects of circadian clocks and rhythms.
Popular science at its most exciting: the breaking new world of chronobiology - understanding the rhythm of life in humans and all plants and animals.
Explores the biological rhythms which govern members of the plant and animal world in their daily activities
This book covers recent advances in all major aspects of research on circadian clocks.
Dr. Phyllis Zee has put together an expert panel of authors on the topic of the Science of Circadian Rhythms.
In addition to studies with lower organisms, the evaluation of human circadian rhythms was originally more or less a compulsory exercise done in order to extend the "catalogue of species"; of course, the work was of unusual impor tance due ...
Christopher S. Colwell. was not significantly improved. This rather unexpected result appears to be due to the ... Conlon, M., Lightfoot, N., Kreiger, N. 2007. Rotating shift work and risk of prostate cancer. Epidemiology 18:182–3.
Protocols are provided to assess clock function, entrainment of the clock to stimuli such as light and food, and output rhythms of behavior and physiology. This volume also delves into the impact of circadian disruption on human health.
Biological rhythmicity has been a subject of scientific research for a relatively short time. In the special case of daily, or circadian rhythms, it is only during the past twenty...