Advances in the Study of Aggression

Advances in the Study of Aggression
Robert J. Blanchard, D. Caroline Blanchard


Advances in the Study of Aggression, Volume 1 aims to span some of the variety of aggression research, pinpointing areas in which phenomena or concepts that have arisen or been tested extensively with animal models are now being applied to human aggression. Chapter 1 presents an article on the relevance of animal aggression research to human aggression and discusses a brief sociobiological view of aggression and its immediate determinants over a number of mammalian species. A description of some features of human aggression and endeavor and its link to the animal model is also considered in this chapter. Chapter 2 is an article on the biological explanations of human aggression and the resulting therapies offered by such approaches, and Chapter 3 is an article on the development of stable aggressive reaction patterns in males. The next chapter is about the control of aggressive behavior by changes in attitudes, values, and the conditions of learning. Chapter 5 describes the coercive interactions of siblings and parents as well as those for siblings and identified problem children. Differences in sibling reactions between normal and distressed families together with the relationship of these differences to increased rates of coercive behaviors in distressed families are encompassed in this chapter. The text concludes by discussing advances in aggression research. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, anthropologists will find the book invaluable.

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