Museum, Archive, and Library Security provides an introduction to the security programs of museums and other park facilities. This book discusses the mechanism that provides for the protection of information, collections, equipment, personnel, and physical facilities of museums. Organized into seven parts encompassing 30 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the security programs of the National Park Service. This text then examines the quality of security personnel and its proper training, as well as its most efficient utilization and allocation. Other chapters consider the standard instruction in how to implement new security procedures by staff members. This book discusses as well the significance of good security for the protection of fine arts of any nature. The final chapter deals with global concern on the prevention, protection, import, or export of cultural property. This book is a valuable resource for security directors, archivists, curators, maintenance personnel, historic preservation specialists, and librarians.
Cultural property security is of global importance as well, with tens of thousands of institutions internationally
Security planning, part of disaster response and continuous operations planning, is the key to proactively addressing potential safety issues.
Security in Museums, Archives and Libraries: A Practical Guide
Academic Research on the Internet: Options for Scholars & Libraries, edited by Helen Laurence, MLS, EdD, and William Miller, MLS, PhD (Vol. 30, No. 1/2/3/4, 2000). “Emphasizes quality over quantity. . . . Presents the reader with the ...
John E. Hunter, “Introduction to Museum Security,” in Museum, Archive, and Library Security, by Lawrence J. Fennelly (Boston, MA: Butterworths, 1983), pp. 3-4. 2. Gregor Trinkaus-Randall, Protecting Your Collections: A Manual of Archi— ...
B-25 Directory of Historical Societies and Agencies in the United States and Canada. ... historic houses and house museums in the United States, Eastman's unusual volume differs from other directories devoted to the same subject by ...
voltage lighting , which is also very cheap to run . This is a form of lighting which seems ideal for museums ; unfortunately it is expensive to buy , and in many countries still difficult to obtain . FLUORESCENT LIGHTING Fluorescent ...
Association of Research Libraries, Special Collections in ARL Libraries: A Discussion Report from the ARL Working Group on ... of Medieval Manuscripts,” in The Use of Computers in Cataloging Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, ed.
Chicago, American Library Association, 1984. Brown, Marion. Problem patron manual. Schenectady, New York, Schenectady Public Library, 1981. Fennelly, Laurence J. Museum, archival and library security. London, etc., Butter- worths, 1983.
Ronny J. Coleman and John A. Granito, eds. 2nd edition. Washington, D.C.: International City/County Management Association (ICMA). 319-346. Henderson, Jane. 1995. Disasters Without Planning: Lessons for Museums. The Conservator 19:52-57 ...