Fears and Phobias reviews and synthesizes the different viewpoints of learning theory, psychoanalysis, ethology, and clinical psychiatry with regards to fears and phobias. The causes and treatment of phobias are examined, with due regard for relevant biological and psychological issues. Topics covered range from the etiology of fear to clinical syndromes such as agoraphobic syndrome, animal phobias, social phobias, illness phobias, and obsessive phobias. Comprised of four chapters, this book begins with an overview of the historical aspects of phobias and the components of phobias, followed by a discussion on the etiology of fear. Experimental studies on fear that focus on innateness, maturation, and learning are examined, together with genetic aspects of timidity; the kinds of situations that are feared; and the physiology and learning of fear. The next chapter deals with clinical syndromes and the classification of phobic disorders such as the agoraphobic syndrome, specific animal phobias, and social phobias, along with illness phobias, obsessive phobias, autonomic equivalents to phobic disorders, and children's fears and phobias. The final chapter is devoted to prevention and treatment of phobias, including desensitization, and psychiatric management of phobic patients. This monograph will be of interest to psychiatrists and psychologists.
The program described in this workbook has proved to be the most effective treatment available for fears and phobias to date. It has a success rate of up to 90% with as little as one treatment session.
Fears and Phobias
This book draws on fields as diverse as biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, psychiatry, and ethology, to form a fascinating synthesis of information on the nature of fear and of panic and anxiety disorders.
So is fear "normal"? At what point do fears become clinical phobias? Phobias: The Psychology of Irrational Fear is the definitive volume on a broad range of topics related to fears and phobias.
Illustrating the power of play for helping children overcome a wide variety of worries, fears, and phobias, this book provides a toolkit of play therapy approaches and techniques.
Imprint. A comprehensive guide to every fear imaginable and unimaginable, this book explains clearly what each phobia is and how some are related.
Since mental health problems are common, and range in severity from transient stress reactions to those that impact seriously on day to day living, a book that helps people understand these conditions is required reading.
See also CANCER, FEAR OF; PAIN AND ANXIETIES; SKIN DISEASE AND SKIN LESION, FEAR OF. skin conductance Certain anxiety-inducing, stressful, or pleasant stimuli change the electrical resistance of the skin, particularly the skin on the ...
Uses cognitive-behavioral principles to guide children and their parents through dealing with phobias.
Fortunately, anxiety disorders are treatable. By following these simple solutions, parents can prevent their children from needlessly suffering today—and tomorrow. www.broadwaybooks.com From the Trade Paperback edition.