Curves and Surfaces provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of approximation theory with emphasis on approximation of images, surface compression, wavelets, and tomography. This book covers a variety of topics, including error estimates for multiquadratic interpolation, spline manifolds, and vector spline approximation. Organized into 77 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the method, based on a local Taylor expansion of the final curve, for computing the parameter values. This text then presents a vector approximation based on general spline function theory. Other chapters consider a nonparametric technique for estimating under random censorship the amplitude of a change point in change point hazard models. This book discusses as well the algorithm for ray tracing rational parametric surfaces based on inversion and implicitization. The final chapter deals with the results concerning the norm of the interpolation operator and error estimates for a square domain. This book is a valuable resource for mathematicians.
One of the most widely used texts in its field, this volume introduces the differential geometry of curves and surfaces in both local and global aspects.
... Berry J , Reboussin B A , Gordon E S , Smith B P. , ( 1999 ) Effect of injected versus iontophoretic corticosteroid on the rabbit tendon South Med J jun , Vol : 92 ( 6 ) , P : 600-8 Shrier I , Matheson G O , Kohl H W ( 1996 ) 3rd .
Students and professors of an undergraduate course in differential geometry will appreciate the clear exposition and comprehensive exercises in this book that focuses on the geometric properties of curves and surfaces, one- and two ...
However, the author retained the introductory nature of this book and focused on detailed explanations of the examples of minimal surfaces given in Chapter 2. This book is a posthumous publication of a classic by Prof.
This is a textbook on differential geometry well-suited to a variety of courses on this topic.
This volume covers local as well as global differential geometry of curves and surfaces.
Spivak M., A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry. Publish or Perish, Wilmington, 1979. Stroeker R., Kaashoek J., Discovering Mathematica with MAPLE. Birkhäuser, 1999. Su Pu-ch'ing, Computational Geometry — Curve and ...
Requires only a basic knowledge of mathematics and is geared toward the general educated specialists. Includes a gallery of color images and Mathematica code listings.
Proper understanding of the mathematics underlying the geometry provides control over the construction. This book relates the classical mathematical theory of parametrized curves and surfaces to multiple applications in architecture.
J. Gregory and P. Charrot. A C1 triangular interpolation patch for computer-aided geometric design. Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 13(1):80-87, 1980. J. Gregory and J. Hahn. Geometric continuity and convex combination patches.