Protecting Historic Architecture and Museum Collections from Natural Disasters serves as a useful guide for professionals engaged in the preservation of cultural heritage, whether structures or artifacts. This book discusses how to prevent losses to the cultural heritage of structures and artifacts through more knowledgeable protection, prevention, and emergency response. Organized into six sections encompassing 26 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the mechanisms for preserving and protecting the heritage. This text then examines the threats of destruction by the natural elements such as decay, air pollution, subsidence, and other forms of attrition. Other chapters consider the social functional and economic values of the buildings and museum objects. This book discusses as well the natural disaster policies within a society. The final chapter deals with the enlistment of the private sector in dealing with catastrophes rising out of fire, earthquake, flood, and other natural disasters. This book is a valuable resource for conservation specialists, archivists, private collectors, dealers, curators, and librarians.
Chartered Institute of Building Services (1980) Lighting Guide —Museums andArt Galleries, CIBS, London. Concord Lighting Ltd (1986) ... Crawford, B.H. (1960) Colour rendition and museum lighting, Studies in Conservation, 5, 41–51.
Since its publication in 1982 Sir Bernard Feilden's Conservation of Historic Buildings has become the standard text for architects and others involved in the conservation of historic structures.
These are the homes of the earliest settlers, statesmen, frontiersmen, great writers, artists, architects, and industrial magnates. These are the places, carefully saved and preserved, that represent a cultural heritage.
Upton, M.S. and Pearson, C. (1978) Disaster Planning and Emergency Treatments in Museums, Art Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Allied Institutions, Belconnen, A.C.T. Australia: Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials, ...
Topics that will prove useful to all persons involved with natural history museums include: conservation, care, use, management, and preservation of collections; role of exhibits and guidelines for approaches to creating new exhibits; the ...
This handbook addresses three areas of concern for the museum administrator concerning the protection of historic buildings, monuments, and archaeological sites located in seismic areas.
Museum Handbook: Museum collections
Studies the effects of Hurricane Hugo and the Loma Prieta Earthquake on historic buildings, including those in Charleston.
This is an all-purpose handbook on how to build sustainability into a community during the recovery period after a disaster.
This volume firmly places notions of ethics in the field of action. Museum Ethics considers the theoretical and practical elements of the philosophy of conduct in relation to critical contemporaty issues and museums.