High Performance Liquid Chromatography focuses on the developments, operating techniques, practices, equipment, and packing materials involved in High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The book first offers information on basic chromatographic theory, equipment, and the column. Topics include resolution, efficiency, pumps and gradient systems, connectors, detectors, injectors, column packing and testing, packing materials, and coupling of columns. The text also ponders on sample treatment and separation methods, as well as trace analysis, reversed phase chromatography, and selection/optimization conditions. The publication examines adjustment of selectivity by the use of eluent additives and preparative liquid chromatography. Discussions focus on chromatography on dynamically modified oxide gels, metal complexation, crown ethers, ion pair chromatography, materials for preparative chromatography, and separation strategy. The text also reviews the trends in the practice of HPLC and chiral chromatography. The book is a dependable reference for readers interested in High Performance Liquid Chromatography.
Since the first edition of this book the major advances have been in column packings, where over ninety per cent of separations are now performed using chemically bonded microparticulate packings, and in instrumentation.
A. 2008, 1200: 144-155. 71. ROMERO-GONZALEZ, R., GARRIDO FRENICH, A., MARTINEZ VIDAL, J.L. Talanta. 2008, 76: 211-225. 72. TAYLOR, M.J., KEENAN, G.A., REID, K.B., URIA FERNANDEZ, D. Rapid Commun. Mass Sp. 2008, 22: 2731-2746. 73.
This book presents, by means of examples, the application of HPLC to various fields, as well as fundamental discussions of chromatographic methods.
The series was highly successful, seven volumes appearing between 1956 and 1964. Since there is still today a demand for the old series, the publisher has decided to resume publication of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis.
Verification with a second method Method validation Standard operating procedures Measurement uncertainty Qualifications, instrument test, and system suitability test The quest for quality Reviews of earlier editions "That this text is ...
Publisher Description
Chromatography has many roles in forensic science, ranging from toxicology to environmental analysis. In particular, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a primary method of analysis in many types of laboratories....
Filling the void in this critical area, High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Phytochemical Analysis is the first book to give a comp
Includes bibliographical references and index.
General Editor: A.D. Smith High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Neuroscience Research Edited by R. Bruce Holman, Alan J. Cross and Michael H. Joseph This volume in the Handbook Series begins...