The aim of this book is to introduce students to the basic electrical and electronic principles needed by technicians in fields such as electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunications. The emphasis is on the practical aspects of the subject, and the author has followed his usual successful formula, incorporating many worked examples and problems (answers supplied) into the learning process. Electrical Principles and Technology for Engineering is John Bird's core text for Further Education courses at BTEC levels N11 and N111 and Advanced GNVQ. It is also designed to provide a comprehensive introduction for students on a variety of City & Guilds courses, and any students or technicians requiring a sound grounding in Electrical Principles and Electrical Power Technology.
This book is written for the 6,000 BTEC National Engineering students who follow the electrical pathway each year.
No previous background in engineering is assumed, making this an ideal text for vocational courses at Levels 2 and 3, foundation degrees and introductory courses for undergraduates.
This edition includes several new sections, including glass batteries, climate change, the future of electricity production, and discussions concerning everyday aspects of electricity, such as watts and lumens, electrical safety, AC vs DC, ...
Material is only available to lecturers who have adopted the text as an essential purchase. In order to obtain your password to access the material please follow the guidelines in the book.
Other chapters are devoted to alternating-current systems. The remaining chapters cover the commonly used electrical measuring instruments in electrical installation work. This book is an invaluable source for electricians.
No previous background in engineering is assumed, making this an ideal text for vocational courses at Levels 2 and 3, foundation degrees and introductory courses for undergraduates.
This edition also incorporates two-colour illustrations, and puts a greater emphasis on electrical systems and less on circuit analysis.
Succinctly divided in 14 chapters, the book delves into important concepts of the subject which include Armature Reaction and Commutation, Single-phase Motors, Three-phase Induction motors, Synchronous Motors, Transformers and Alternators ...
A third edition of this popular text which provides a foundation in electronic and electrical engineering for HND and undergraduate students. The book offers exceptional breadth of coverage without sacrificing depth.
With more than 800 diagrams, hundreds of worked examples, practice questions and self-check questions, this edition is the most up-to-date text in the market.