Considers the application of modern control engineering on digital computers with a view to improving productivity and product quality, easing supervision of industrial processes and reducing energy consumption and pollution. The topics covered may be divided into two main subject areas: (1) applications of digital control - in the chemical and oil industries, in water turbines, energy and power systems, robotics and manufacturing, cement, metallurgical processes, traffic control, heating and cooling; (2) systems theoretical aspects of digital control - adaptive systems, control aspects, multivariable systems, optimization and reliability, modelling and identification, real-time software and languages, distributed systems and data networks. Contains 84 papers.
Digital Computer Applications to Process Control: Proceedings of the ... International Conference
FOREWORD Digital computers have been used more and more to control different industrial processes during the last ... the 4th IFAC/IFIP International Conference on "Digital Computer Applications to Process Control" will be held at ...
A third volume will include the six follow ing survey papers: 1. Digital Control Algorithms Prof. A. P. Sage, Dallas Texas I USA 2. Interface Problems for Process Control Prof. T. J. Williams, Lafayette Indiana I USA 3.
A third volume will include the six follow ing survey papers: 1. Digital Control Algorithms Prof. A. P. Sage, Dallas Texas / USA 2. Interface Problems for Process Control Prof. T. J. Williams, Lafayette Indiana / USA 3.
Digital Computer Process Control
IFAC/IFIP International Conference on Digital Computer Applications to Process Control
4th IFAC/IFIP International Conference on Digital Computer Applications to Process Control, Zürich, Switzerland, March 19-22, 1974
Industrial engineers, scientists, economists, computer scientists, robotics experts, planners, and technicians will find this book invaluable.
Written to be equally useful for all engineering disciplines, this book is organized around the concept of control systems theory as it has been developed in the frequency and time domains.