Today's demographic reality is a "majority-minority" America wherein racial and ethnic minorities comprise a growing share of the U.S. population and electorate, and are themselves becoming more diverse and representing more decisive votes. How America evolves as a society and a polity depends on whether and how these new Americans access and are accommodated by existing institutions. The Future is Ours offers a data-based examination of whether (and exactly how) minority citizens differ from members of the white majority—in political participation, voting preferences, policy opinions, orientations toward government, and legislative representation. Data analyses are presented in non-technical fashion, but throughout the authors attempt to engage issues of research design that expose students to the logics of social science inquiry. Bowler and Segura argue that demography will, in fact, be destiny. The balance between the two parties is at a tipping point and the outcome depends on how minority Americans engage in politics.
A Fragment of Time: And, The Future is Ours
Abstract No. 13 - The Future is ours: Scenarios for the future of everyday life
The Future is Ours: Foreseeing, Managing, and Creating the Future
In a world that is often unfair and cruel, it can be hard to imagine a brighter one, but these essays challenge the notion that our society can't change and dare to dream.
The Future is Ours
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A collection of new Latin American short fiction.
A resource by and for young people who are taking an activist lead in such areas as environmental protection and equal rights highlights the fundamentals of organizing, from recruiting and prioritizing to fund-raising and publicity.
The Future is Ours offers a data-based examination of whether (and exactly how) minority citizens differ from members of the white majority—in political participation, voting preferences, policy opinions, orientations toward government, ...