This book addresses the challenges of conducting program evaluations in real-world contexts where evaluators and the agencies face budget and time constraints and where critical data is missing. The book is organized around a seven-step model developed by the authors, which has been tested and refined in workshops. Vignettes and case studies—representing evaluations from a variety of geographic regions and sectors—demonstrate adaptive possibilities for small projects with budgets of a few thousand dollars to large-scale, long-term evaluations. The text incorporates quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method designs and this Second Edition reflects important developments in the field over the last five years.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD),445,471 Jalan, J.,99 Johnson, J.,395 Johnson, R. B.,297,320 Jolliffe, D., 89 Jones, D., 72,336 Jones, J. H., 170 Jones, P.W., 298 Julnes, G., 109 Justice, 102 Kane, M., ...
In 2015, Kearney and Levine sought to evaluate the longterm impacts of the program in a retrospective evaluation carried out in the United States. Taking advantage of limitations in television broadcasting technology in the early years ...
Features Provides the first book and a single source of information on RWE in drug development Covers a broad array of topics on outcomes- and value-based RWE assessments Demonstrates proper Bayesian application and causal inference for ...
In Real World Training Evaluation, Patricia and Jack Phillips hone in on ROI in learning and development and outline a clear pathway to seamless and credible evaluation.
The volume and complexity of information about individual patients is greatly increasing with use of electronic records and personal devices.
... 393 Streib, G. D., 393 Strickland, B., 234 Structural equation modeling, 166 Structuring data collection instruments, 210–211 Student performance: classsize policy and, 431 No Child Left Behind Act, 431,442 Perry Preschool Study, ...
Guba,E. and Lincoln,Y. (1987) 'The countenances of fourth-generation evaluation: description, judgment and negotiation', in D. Palumbo (ed) The politics ofprogram evaluation, CA: Sage. Guba, E. and Lincoln,Y. (1989) Fourth generation ...
This book is a non technical exposition of economic evaluation and no knowledge of advanced statistical methods is assumed.
These interviews are in stark contrast with the other interviews and reveal skepticism about the program's contributions to positive change or other potential benefits. Kwame decides to discuss this issue with Jonah at the next ...
Introducing students to the real world of evaluation and focusing on issues that arise in professional practice, this book shows readers how to systematically identify stakeholders' needs in order to select the evaluation options best ...