Offering an anthology of original articles on sexuality from a sociological perspective, Selves, Symbols, and Sexualities: An Interactionist Anthology focuses on the diverse and multi-layered meanings of sexuality, sexual behaviors and sexual identities. Thomas S. Weinberg and Staci Newmahr bring you essays that explore sexuality as a social process. As a whole, the book takes the perspective that what each of us understands to be sexual is constructed through everyday social processes and interaction, situated in particular spaces and moments, identified through our social-sexual presentations, and symbolized through language, objects and practices. The book is organized around these four distinct but interrelated processes, and augmented by personal narratives around relevant issues. The authors’ goals for the book are to engage students in the sociological enterprise by providing interesting and insightful entries that emphasize the importance of meaning-making in human sexuality, and to provide them with conceptual tools to understand human sexuality in a complex and quickly changing sexual landscape.
The readings in this collection focus on the diverse and multi-layered meanings of sexuality, sexual behaviors and sexual identities. The essays in this book will explore sexuality as a social process.
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Sexualities, 9(5), 584–601. Robinson, M. (2013). Polyamory and monogamy as strategic identities. ... In S. Newmahr & T. Weinberg (Eds.) Selves, symbols and sexualities: Contemporary readings (pp. 201– 214). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Urging those present at the meeting to pursue ongoing self-analysis, he said, ” tuning in on ourselves, gaining awareness of our experiences in sessions, and grappling once again with the ghosts that haunt each of as, ...
KEY FEATURES: Two opening chapters introduce readers to the theories and perspectives used by social scientists to study drugs and alcohol, and to the larger trends in legal and illegal use of controlled substances.
... Sexuality and its discontents : Meanings , myths , and modern sexu- alities . Routledge . Weeks , J. ( 1986 ) . Sexuality : Key Ideas . Routledge . Weinberg , T. S. , & Newmahr , S. ( Eds . ) . ( 2014 ) . Selves , symbols , and sexualities ...
... Sexual Behavior , 45 ( 7 ) , 1713-1730 . Waskul , D. , 2014. Techno - sexuality : The sexual pragmatists of the technological age . In : T. Weinberg and S. Newmahr , eds . Selves , symbols , and sexualities . Thousand Oaks , CA : Sage ...
Forstie, C. (2014), '“Bittersweet” Emotions, Identities, and Sexualities: Insights from a Lesbian Community Space', in Selves, Symbols and Sexualities: An Interactionist Anthology, S. Newmahr and ...
In Selves, Symbols, and Sexualities: An Interactionist Anthology, edited by Thomas S. Weinberg and Staci Newmahr, 123–34. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2013. Sumerau, J. E. “'That's What a Man Is Supposed to Do': Compensatory Manhood Acts in ...
Did you know that dreams about houses symbolise exploration of the self. And that water symbolises fertility, creativity and potential. Dreams provide vital clues to hidden feelings, fears and desires;...