Coy H. Johnston’s concise, yet thorough and creative text, Careers in Criminal Justice, prepares students to plan, pursue, and realize their career goals—from conception through the hiring process. The book's contemporary approach emphasizes student self-reflection and pragmatism in the pursuit of self-fulfillment and happiness. With coverage of over forty careers in policing, courts, corrections, and victims services, this text provides a comprehensive overview of the most popular and growing careers in the field. Readers are provided self assessment tools to enhance self awareness and steer them toward realistic and suitable careers in criminal justice. This easy-to-read guide is organized to facilitate understanding and encourage growth throughout the reader’s career.
This text is a helpful resource students will be able to peruse repeatedly when they are ready to start the process of applying for jobs within law enforcement.
Schroeder, Donald, and Frank Lombardo. Barron's Police Officer Exam, 9th ed. New York: Barron's Educational Services, 2013. Schroeder, Donald, and Frank Lombardo. Barron's Correction Officer Exam, 4th ed. New York: Barron's Educational ...
1776–1828: A New Nation The period immediately following the American Revolution is largely characterized by the need to organize and establish a legitimate society. Such efforts included the establishment of a criminal justice system.
In Opportunities in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Careers, you'll find: bull; bull;An informative history of law enforcement, from its beginnings to today's high-tech methods bull;Thorough descriptions of jobs available at the city, ...
This comprehensive text provides your students with the invaluable information they need to help them enter and succeed in the field of criminal justice from finding an internship to identifying the right criminal justice profession for ...
This book aims to offer a one-stop guide to becoming employable and to careers in the Criminal Justice Sector and beyond, exploring the key organizations and employers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, explaining how they ...
For anyone trying to break into the criminal justice job market. What follows graduation? A job search, of course. This book meets the needs of criminal justice students who are planning to enter the job market.
The purpose of this book is to address the proper preparation for careers in criminal justice.
This text is a helpful resource students will be able to peruse repeatedly when they are ready to start the process of applying for jobs within law enforcement.
Unfortunately, this small fraction of offenders produces many negative consequences. Over time, scholarly inquiries of habitual offenders have centered on their exceptional or rare characteristics. The earliest attempts accomplished ...