Confident writers succeed. Whether you aim for a career in the business, nonprofit or government world, good writing equips you to stand out. In this accessible and reader-friendly book, Natalie Canavor shares a step-by-step framework to help you write strategically, win opportunities, and perform better on the job. You’ll know what to say and how to say it in any medium from email to blog, cover letter, proposal, resume, report, website, tweet, news release, and more. You’ll discover practical, grammar-free techniques to improve all your writing and learn how to recognize and fix your own problems with clear demonstrations. Business Writing Today, Second Edition, gives you tools, techniques and inside tips drawn from the worlds of journalism, corporate communications and public relations. It prepares you to better understand the business world and communicate in ways that achieve your own immediate and long range goals in today’s highly competitive work environment.
Simply put, this book delivers easy, painless writing techniques that work.
... Advocacy Writing Tips When You Need to Persuade Graphic Guidelines for Documents Writing to Persuade Part 2: Creating Business Documents ... 130 135 135 139 149 165 166 174 182 187 187 190 195 202 208 213 213 217 221 228 231 236 11.
2010 by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as FT Press Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 FT Press offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales.
... Business Writing Today (Sage Publications), a college textbook going into its third edition; The Truth about the New Rules of Business Writing (FT Press), coauthored with Claire Meirowitz; and Workplace Genie: An Unorthodox Toolkit to ...
Know the what and how of it quickly work out exactly what you need to say and how to say it most effectively Polish it till it shines use simple techniques for editing and fine-tuning your copy for clarity and maximum impact Connect with ...
The Revised and Updated 3rd edition of the clear, practical guide to business writing from a renowned corporate writing coach Since the first edition's publication in 1994, Wilma Davidson's clear, practical guide to business writing has ...
Laura Brown’s supportive, no-nonsense approach to business writing is thoughtfully adapted to the increasingly digital corporate landscape.
As I write this book, Warren Buffett is the richest man in the world (despite giving most of his money away a couple of years ago to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, thus doing his kids out of a massive inheritance.
This updated edition provides clear, concise instruction on every form of business writing, from traditional business letters, reports, and memos to email and other electronic communications.
One of the three business books I always have on my desk to refer to, it's worth its weight in gold. In fact it's worth its weight in saffron.' Sheridan Thompson, CRM Director, The Walt Disney Company 'I loved this book.