Presidents are uniquely positioned to promote themselves and their polices directly to the public. Using sympathetic crowds as a backdrop, a president can rally public opinion to his side, along the way delivering a subtle yet unmistakable message to his intended audience in Congress. Samuel Kernell shows how “going public” remains a potent weapon in the president’s arsenal, both for advancing his own agenda and blocking initiatives from his political adversaries in Congress. In his highly anticipated fourth edition, Kernell delivers thorough analysis and detailed background on how this strategy continues to evolve given the intense polarization of Congress and the electorate as well as changes in communications technology. He considers the implications of both factors—especially in combination—on the future of presidential leadership and weighs the lessons of 9/11 on “going public” in foreign affairs.
Engrossing and important, this book offers critical recommendations for policy changes that will create healthy, free-functioning markets and help Americans better prepare for the inevitable next crisis. “Norm Champ has written a truly ...
Carina Adores is home to romantic love stories where LGBTQ+ characters find their happily-ever-afters. Jade Harbour Capital Book 1: Hard Sell Book 2: Going Public
Readers of this practical guide will learn how moms and dads have a strategic role to play in the ongoing development of their school-age children.
The Internet is the first widely available vehicle for entrepreneurs to obtain international exposure for Direct Public Offerings, at a much lower cost than traditional methods.This is the definitive bible for CEOs, members of the IPO team, ...
-- Writing beyond the academy -- Telling stories about your research -- Books for general audiences -- The digital turn -- Building an audience -- The perils of going public -- Making it count, making a difference
Of course , the converse is also true : falsely imposing unit betas in a rising market will impart an upward bias in performance estimates if true betas are greater than one . Which way the bias will go in practice depends on the ...
Initial Public Offerings: A Practical Guide to Going Public
From bad behavior by Ed Koch to complicated negotiations with Rudy Giuliani, Gecan tells the inside story of how the city really works, and how any organized group of citizens can wield power in seemingly unmovable bureaucracies.
It took Julie Macfarlane a lifetime to say the words out loud – the words that finally broke the calm and traveled farther than she could have imagined.
This critical guide also covers strategies for confronting obstacles academics might encounter along the way and presents tactics for responding to controversy and backlash.