Today’s answers to our most urgent climate issues The twenty-first century ushered in a set of unmistakably urgent global challenges that are too important to be an afterthought in today’s classrooms. Climate Smart & Energy Wise offers a virtual blueprint to climate and energy education, packed with resources and strategies, including: A high-level overview of where climate and energy topics fit (or don't fit) into your current curriculum with connections to the NGSS Proven methods to teach climate change and related topics in a grade-appropriate way Sample learning activities and high-quality online resources
The book addresses the perceived need for a publication with looks at both, climate smart technologies and the integration of renewable energy and energy efficiency in mitigation and adaptation responses.
In addition, this book provides many hands-on skills and knowledge to identify and develop energy efficiency projects. The literature review shows that energy efficiency has become the first fuel in the world energy supply.
This book provides information that facilitates integrated climate actions in cities, leveraging disruptive technologies, business models, policies, financing, and leadership solutions.
This book presents a comprehensive overview of the global climate change impacts caused by the continued use of fossil fuels, which results in enormous damage to the global environment, biodiversity, and human health.
Resources include an information booth and interactive displays to attract visitors and foster interest. Table 6-1 presents both actual and forecasted energy savings based on values drawn from the 2016-2020 plan. Table 6-1: Conservation ...
These papers, presented at the Fifth Urban Research Symposium in Marseille, France, put into perspective ESMAP’s prioritization of city-wide and sector specific urban energy initiatives to make cities energy efficient, providing ...
CHALLENGE. Climate is the regular pattern of weather in a location over a long period. ... This global climate change is what scientists are worried about, because it is having a negative effect on our planet.
The book also explores the benefits of energy management systems, smart controls, and building automation in achieving optimal energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprint.
This book takes on a central quandary in the study of energy and environmental policy: What myths continue to exist in American culture concerning energy, the environment, and society?
The building sector contributes up to 40 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, mostly from energy use during the life time of buildings.