Essentials of Human Behavior combines Elizabeth D. Hutchison’s two-volume Dimensions of Human Behavior to present a multidimensional framework for understanding human behavior. Integrating person, environment, and the life course, this best-selling text leverages its hallmark case studies and balanced breadth and depth of coverage to help readers apply theory and general social work knowledge to unique practice situations. Now in four color and available with an interactive eBook, the Second Edition features a streamlined organization, the latest research, and original SAGE video to provide the most engaging introduction available to human behavior.
In his historical review of community practice, Robert Fisher (2005) argues that the global context of contemporary community practice is dominated by a conservative, corporateoriented ethos. In this climate, the market dominates, ...
In clear and accessible language, this text provides the student with a background of the kinds of social and behavioral theories that guide our understanding of health related behavior and form the background for health promotion and ...
Jones, A., & Meier, A. (2011). Growing www.parentsof suicide: A case study of an online support community. Social Work with Groups, 34(2), 101–120. Jobe-Shields, L., Cohen, R., & Parra, G. R. (2011). Patterns of change in children's ...
Bundle: Hutchison, Essentials of Human Behavior 3e (Vantage Shipped Access Card) + Hutchison, Essentials of Human Behavior 3e (Loose-Leaf) [With...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
New to this Edition A new Emotions and Moods chapter delves into important topics like emotional intelligence, emotional contagion, and affective neuroscience.
In this Fifth Edition of her acclaimed text, Elizabeth D. Hutchison uses her multidimensional framework to examine the influences that can impact human behavior across time.
Many students of society and culture would take violent issue with most of the things that Skinner has to say, but even those who disagree most will find this a stimulating book.” —Samuel M. Strong, The American Journal of Sociology ...
The ABCs of Human Behavior the first book to present modern behavioral psychology to practicing clinicians.
In Essentials of Psychology, authors Saul Kassin, Gregory J. Privitera, and Krisstal D. Clayton propel students into a clear, vibrant understanding of psychological science with an integrative, learn-by-doing approach.