Contemporary Criminal Law: Concepts, Cases, and Controversies, Fourth Edition, combines the traditional concepts taught in undergraduate criminal law courses with thought-provoking cases and engaging learning tools. This bestselling text covers both foundational and emerging legal topics, such as terrorism, gangs, cybercrime, and hate crimes, in a student-friendly and approachable manner. Clear explanations of criminal law and defenses are complemented by provocative, well-edited cases and discussion questions that stimulate critical thinking and in-class discussion.
Steven Gomez was about to be released from prison in March 1992, when he was approached by a fellow inmate, Imran Mir, who was waiting trial on involvement in an international drug conspiracy.
Contemporary Criminal Law: Concepts, Cases, and Controversies
Intended Audience: This book uniquely combines the concepts, learning tools, and features found in undergraduate texts with the types of challenging cases and issues that are characteristic of law school case books.
This dynamic new eBook version of the Second Edition of Matthew R. Lippman's bestselling text, Contemporary Criminal Law is ideal for students in online and traditional courses who prefer a more contemporary, multimedia-integrated ...
The dictionary uniquely presents common misperceptions for selected terms, along with additional relevant information to clarify a term’s use or derivation. We offer these texts bundled together at a discount for your students.
The Third Edition keep readers up to date with coverage of timely topics and the most current developments in criminal law and public policy.
Contemporary Criminal Law Electronic Version: Concepts, Cases, and Controversies
The text covers both traditional and cutting-edge topics, such as terrorism, computer crimes, and hate crimes, in a student-friendly way.
The Second Edition of Contemporary Criminal Law presents a clean new approach to teaching criminal law to first year students.
This popular text covers both foundational and emerging legal topics, such as terrorism, gangs, cybercrime, and hate crimes, in a student-friendly and approachable manner.