Examining democracies from a comparative perspective helps us better understand why politics—or “who gets what, when, and how”—differs among democracies. In American Difference: American Politics from a Comparative Perspective, authors Lori M. Poloni-Staudinger and Michael R. Wolf take the reader through different aspects of democracy—political culture, institutions, interest groups, political parties and elections—and explore how the US is both different from and similar to other democracies. Used in conjunction with a textbook for courses in Introduction to American Politics, Introduction to Comparative Politics, or Introduction to Politics, this book will provide additional context and deepen students’ understanding of key political concepts.
Martha Minow here takes a hard look at the way our legal system functions.
In this luminous volume, Stanley Hauerwas continues the vital work of planting the signposts that show us the way.
Along with the overall introduction, these questions guide teachers and students in examining the meaning of living an American life, including their own.
This book explores manifestations of physical disability in Spanish American narrative fiction and performance, from José Martí's late nineteenth century crónicas, to Mario Bellatín's twenty-first century novels, from the performances ...
This work advances an original thesis that challenges the dominant schools of thought concerning the liberal tradition in the US.
The book unpacks how contemporary Americans think about and act toward positive social and political change while the authors' findings challenge contemporary assertions of American apathy.
After two decades of living in America, Guy Blaise is struck by the differences between the French and Americans approach to relationships, marriage, and chivalry.What makes French women so outspoken about receiving respect and equal rights ...
Gutmann, Matthew. 2002. The Romance of Democracy: Compliant Defiance in Contemporary Mexico. Berkeley: University of California Press. Habermas, Jürgen. 1989 [1962]. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a ...
(New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2006), pp. 461–62. 9 William H. McNeill, The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community, with a Retrospective Essay (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991), p. 355.
In place of the traditional American notonof what the eminents&iologistdawid Riesman termed inner-directedness. Lynes real|zesavisonofidentityas alwaysfully relational. Notably, he gives pictorial form to this realization more thana ...