This encyclopedia provides an inter-disciplinary approach, discussing the sociocultural viewpoints, policy implications, educational applications and ethical issues involved in a wide range of disorders and interventions.
Reflecting the enormous changes that have taken place in our knowledge and understanding of developmental disorders, this groundbreaking international volume brings this vast and complex field together for the first time.
Key features include: 1,400 signed articles contained in 7 volumes and available in choice of print and/or electronic formats Although organized A-to-Z, front matter includes a Reader’s Guide grouping related entries thematically Back ...
This five-volume encyclopedia promises to be an authoritative, discipline-defining work for students and researchers seeking to become familiar with various approaches, theories, and empirical findings about human development broadly ...
Genes and Hormones Another approach rooted in biological differences comes from the study of children and adults who have a disorder of sexual development and are commonly known as intersex, intersexual, or intersexed.
The use of single-subject research to identify evidence-based practice in special education. Exceptional Children, 71 ... Research in communication sciences and disorders: Methods for systematic inquiry (3rd ed.). San Diego, CA: Plural.
Key Features Provides cross-disciplinary coverage, with contributions from experts in the fields of psychology, education, human development and family studies, and gerontology Highlights classic studies and theories and provides brief ...
Collects over one thousand entries that provide insight into international views, experiences, and expertise on the topic of disability.
Child Psychopathology (3rd ed.). ... Foundations of behavioral, social, and clinical assessment of children (6th ed.) ... The publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) sets the standard for writing in psychology ...
Risk markers for sexual abusiveness/predation in male inmates include a history of sexual victimization/predation in prison; hypersexuality; hypermasculinity; history of a head injury with loss of consciousness; history of childhood ...
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders is an in-depth encyclopedia aimed at students interested in interdisciplinary perspectives on human communication—both normal and disordered—across the lifespan.