A Guide for Minority Law School Candidates serves as a step-by-step tool for the application process and challenges the reader to explore the many avenues a journey towards higher educational attainment will lead to. Securing an acceptance into a competitive law school is a rigorous process – with this manual the reader will have a focused resource to achieve admission into a ranked program. “The most practical insight for law school admission; particularly for minority students!” – Abimbola Obisesan, Esq., Associate at Dykema Gossett PLLC, Michigan State Law ‘09 “Not only does “A Guide for Minority Law School Candidates” bring transparency and clarity to the very real and often underestimated challenges confronted by many minority law school candidates, but it also tells the inspiring story of Oliver Rodriguez, who overcame those challenges. I would have been so much more informed if I had this guide when I applied to law school!” – Ebony Wheaton, J.D., Howard Law ‘11
A guide to law school admissions for African American students covers such topics as the application process, financial aid, affirmative action, choosing a law school, and alternative legal education options.
How to Make it Through Law School: A Guide for Minority and Disadvantaged Students
The Insider's Guide to the Top Fifteen Law Schools
... math , economics , history , English , and political science for analysis and reasoning , as well as writing . ... Primarily , law schools look at two things : grade point average and the Law School Admission Test ( LSAT ) score .
Keith : I'm sure he's good ; he's my cousin . 20. Which one of the following arguments , if true , would most seriously weaken the argument above ? ( A ) There are many cases of undocumented aliens being denied medical aid at state ...
[emphasis supplied] This quote in How to Get into Harvard Law School, written by Willie J. Epps, Jr., gave me inspiration, confidence and motivation in my pursuit of a law degree, and I hope they do the same for you.
8 in diversity with respect to minorities in the Vault Guide to the Top 100 Law Firms, 2007 edition. The Chicago Lawyer's 2006 diversity survey reported that we had the highest number of minority partners among Chicago's 30 largest law ...
The Little Black Book is designed to fill a gap in law school pedagogy: the skills needed for succeeding in law school competitions. Law schools perpetually struggle with the need...
LAW.WLU.EDU # applications received 2,273 # applicants accepted 575 # acceptees attending 124 Life Average LSAT 166 Washington and Lee is a “ very small ” law school in a very small town " out in the mid- Range of LSAT 163-167 dle of ...
Here are complete, up-to-date profiles of the approximately 175 ABA-approved law schools across America, plus profiles of selected non-ABA-approved schools.