Business in Real-Time Using Azure IoT and Cortana Intelligence Suite: Driving Your Digital Transformation

Business in Real-Time Using Azure IoT and Cortana Intelligence Suite: Driving Your Digital Transformation
Jeff Barnes, Bob Familiar


Learn how today’s businesses can transform themselves by leveraging real-time data and advanced machine learning analytics. This book provides prescriptive guidance for architects and developers on the design and development of modern Internet of Things (IoT) and Advanced Analytics solutions. In addition, Business in Real-Time Using Azure IoT and Cortana Intelligence Suite offers patterns and practices for those looking to engage their customers and partners through Software-as-a-Service solutions that work on any device. Whether you're working in Health & Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Retail, Smart Cities and Buildings or Process Control, there exists a common platform from which you can create your targeted vertical solutions. Business in Real-Time Using Azure IoT and Cortana Intelligence Suite uses a reference architecture as a road map. Building on Azure’s PaaS services, you'll see how a solution architecture unfolds that demonstrates a complete end-to-end IoT and Advanced Analytics scenario. What You'll Learn: Automate your software product life cycle using PowerShell, Azure Resource Manager Templates, and Visual Studio Team Services Implement smart devices using Node.JS and C# Use Azure Streaming Analytics to ingest millions of events Provide both "Hot" and "Cold" path outputs for real-time alerts, data transformations, and aggregation analytics Implement batch processing using Azure Data Factory Create a new form of Actionable Intelligence (AI) to drive mission critical business processes Provide rich Data Visualizations across a wide variety of mobile and web devices Who This Book is For: Solution Architects, Software Developers, Data Architects, Data Scientists, and CIO/CTA Technical Leadership Professionals

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